Dia yang cuai dan terlupa terus pergi setelah urusan selesai dengan meninggalkan kad yang masih di berada di dalam ATM RHB. Setelah balik ke pejabat, dia membuat semakan melalui RHB Internet Banking dan mendapati RM2000 ringgit telah dikeluarkan dari akaunnya.

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10/1/2014:- I went to RHB ATM at festival city to register my mobile no. resit keluar saye amik and continue to ATM CIMB sebelah ATM RHB tu without realizing my card is still in the RHB ATM. balik ofis, check RHB internet banking ade withdrawal from my account-RM2k. Baru sedar kad tinggal, buat report kat balai polis, then went back to Festival City and asked for the cctv recording. These two girls saw the opportunity and withdraw my money.siap sengih2 sambil withdraw my money. Haih..so careless you Nurul Ain! Ni peringatan untuk diri sendiri and all of you jugak.semoga ape yang jadi to me tak kena dekat orang lain. Has it been a nice and honest person yg gi kat atm tu, I might not hilang my money. Now in the process of dapatkan gambar from the camera at the ATM. Will upload the video bile ade mase. Thank you en Hubby for helping me throughout the process..
Be careful everybody!

Sesiapa yang mengenali suspek sila hubungi balai polis berhampiran..sila SHARE
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